Award Winning Photographs
By 1stEyeFocused
I Promise Me
This photo was taken for my song,
''I Promise Me.''
The song is centered around a letter to one's future self. Sending a message of reassurance, cautiousness, and a reminder not to lose yourself as you grow and enter into a world that is constantly changing.
This photo was granted a Merit for its sensitivity, dark lighting, and the moody feel it gives.

Hugging Colors
This photo shows flowers taking in as many colors as they can, as well as sunlight. For their health and beauty
This photo was awarded as a "Top 25% Crowd Favorite".

Cold Sparkles
My short summary for this photo is simply
"Nature is always beautiful".
This photograph was granted a Merit and won an award of "Top 25% Crowd Favorite".
Trapped Inside
The following photo illustrates in clear and concise terms every emotion that is associated with anxiety. Our minds are the only place where anxiety exists. Our inability to deal with it manifests it into reality.
Understanding what you feel is the key to facing your emotions. Only then will you be able to move on from it.
To gain this understanding, it is important to identify how your anxiety is presenting itself and to be mindful of the thoughts and feelings it brings up. Only then can you begin to confront the source of your anxieties and work on overcoming them.
The award-winning piece was selected as a 'Highly Commended' photo.

High Blue
"High Blue" is what I call this one.
There's not much to this photo.
This is a photograph I took during a time when I was constantly practicing architectural photography. Initially, I was not satisfied with the photos I was getting because they lacked the look and feel I wanted.
Eventually, after much trial and error, I started getting shots that I'm very pleased with. One of those is this one.
This capture is a 3-time award-winning photograph.
Granted one Merit and later became a two-time
"Top 25% Crowd Favorite".

Mini Roses
So, funny story. I did not take this shot on purpose.
It was a very windy day, I was outside in my yard experimenting with my first camera.
I placed my hand on the shutter button and walked up to what I assumed was a crabapple tree.
Then the wind roughly blew, making me accidentally press the shutter button...
And somehow I got this shot. Which is now a Merit-granted photo.

Mental Field of Orange Flowers
In this photograph, these Orange Flowers represent a mental field of color that signifies the possibility of color in the midst of gray.
Orange is known to symbolize positivity, optimism, and energy.
This capture was awarded with the title
"Top 25% Crowd Favorite".